Atlanta Boat Works began manufacturing AristoCraft boats in 1946 following Claude Turner’s return from service during World War II.
Production began with five employees at a downtown Atlanta location. These early days saw the production of an open fishing-type boat which was replaced in 1947 with the models that AristoCraft is known for.
The Typhoon, a 12′ 2-seater runabout, was introduced, followed by a 13′ Torpedo that had a barrel stern. In the late 1940’s, AristoCraft even produced racing boats that included a bullet-nosed boat called the racing smoo.
With the arrival of the 1950’s, AristoCraft engineered numerous changes. A cabin cruiser was marketed for a short while, introducing to the market a transom-mounted outboard motor bracket. In 1953, AristoCraft was being marketed through Western Auto and Montgomery Ward as the Wizard and the Sea King. Although hundreds were sold, this was phased out by 1954 to be sold through dealers only.
During 1954, the Torpedo that was first seen in 1947 was stretched to a 14′ length. In 1956, the 13′ SeaFlash was introduced, featuring a flashy 2-seat design with a raised cowling and fins. In 1957, varnish was phased out and epoxy coatings were used. The 15′ Avalon entered the scene in 1957 with a larger, 4-seater body with fins. The Avalon was capable of handling the larger motors of the day, most often the 70 hp motors. Also during this time, AristoCraft was on the cutting edge in using a customized fabricated gear-steer as opposed to the pulley and cable system most often seen.
Production during these years was at such a high, an innovative conveyor-belt assembly line was utilized. Pulled by a chain, this system enabled a boat to be produced every 15 minutes. Working around the clock, seven days per week, 20,000 outboard boats were produced.
The final wood model, the 15′ Matador was added in late 1957. Quite unique in design, it had two round cockpits with a center driving pedestal in the rear of the boat. Fins that lay almost horizontally gave a unique flair to this vessel.
So popular were the AristoCraft boats, that toy manufacturers were using the designs on their products. The Aladdin Thermos Company produced a boating lunchbox series that featured the SeaFlash on its thermos. The Haji toy Company of Japan produced a line of toys where the boats are copies of the originals. Matched with a period correct car and trailer, these toy lines are quite collectible today.
The focus on wooden boats for AristoCraft seemed to come to an end in 1959. Even working 24/7, the boat plant was retooled to accommodate for the newer fiberglass boat productions. The 17′ Funliner was the first of the AristoCraft fiberglass boats, eventually being reworked through various models to the AristoCraft 19′ that continues to be seen on the water today. Introducing to the industry a double-hull upright flotation with no wood was quite a change for the boating industry. At under $1000, it was quite a family boat. Three hundred employees were put to work to meet demands for this popular boat. Production was stopped in 1980 as Claude Turner, the man who started it all, chose to retire.
With the main production ending in 1980, Bill kept the parts and restorations of the boats alive until he started building new boats again in 1987. This was all done as a side hobby along side Bill and Gail’s involvement in ACBS. As the popularity of the boats grew and grew, this hobby turned into a business in the late 90’s when Scott started working at the shop. By the early 2000’s Scott had come to work full time at the family boat shop, and production and restoration of the boats became a growing business. With the move to the new facilities in Dawsonville GA, They were able to finally set up a proper museum, and have a larger work shop. They are open weekly for visitors, just please give a call first to make sure they are not off enjoying their boats.

Meet the Builders

William (Bill) Turner
Bill was born into the boating family as a son of the founder Claude Turner. Bill grew up working in and around the original shop on Pylant street in Atlanta, GA. As he grew up with the boat works, he also started and ran a successful fiberglass company. Bill has a wife, Gail Turner, and two kids, Stacey and Scott. They also have four grandkids. Bill now talks about retiring one day, which we all know will never happen!

Scott Turner
Scott was also born into the boating culture, and was taken along to all the boat shows since a child. He grew up learning the ins and outs of boating, and the role in which Aristocraft played in our lives. Always enjoying working with his dad at the shop, Scott graduated college and went right to work at the shop learning the craft of building and restoring the boats. Now with a family of his own, his wife, Jenna, runs her business at the shop with him, and his two kids love the boating lifestyle and are eager to learn as well.